Birketts Bog Mats

Crane Support And Access Pads

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What are Crane Support and Access Pads?

Our hardwood crane mats make excellent crane support and access pads on construction sites whilst providing suitable ground protection in any conditions.

Crane support and access pads are designed to support the heavy load of cranes and other plant machinery during construction projects. They provide a safe base both to provide access to sites and a stable platform for cranes to work on.

Birkett’s for your crane support and access pads

Why use Birkett’s for your crane support and access pads? We supply European hardwood and tropical hardwood crane mats which are exceptionally hardwearing and durable, with the latter lasting up to two decades. They are available in a wide variety of sizes to suit even the toughest applications, and we deliver across the UK, Ireland and Europe. Our customers know they can rely on us to deliver their crane mats exactly where and when they need them. We offer both hire and purchase of our crane mats, as well as a buy back option, so why not give us a call today to discuss your requirements?

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We Can't Be Beaten on Price.

Quality Bog Mats Supplied Across the UK and Europe

Birketts bog mats are long lasting, durable and great value for money.

At Birketts we supply both European hardwood and tropical hardwood bog mats. Not only are these environmentally friendly, but they are also durable too meaning they are suitable for lots of different uses. We sell cost effective, high quality bog mats.

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Next Day Delivery

40+ Yrs Experience

No.1 Suppiler

Why Use Crane Support And Access Pads?


Our hardwood crane mats are able to support very heavy loads and provide the flexibility required for different applications on construction sites.

They are very easy to set up and can be laid in position using the lifting machinery already on site, without the need to join the mats together. They can be stacked ready for use, and are easily transported to be used both to provide access to the site and as a base for plant and machinery once on site.

They also protect the underlying ground from damage as a result of ground churn, guarding against any harm to underground services and preventing contamination and disintegration of the soil. This reduces the impact construction activities have on the environment and surrounding landscape and lowers the risk of compensation claims and the expense of reinstatement.

Safe access can be provided to sites that would otherwise be inaccessible due to difficult ground conditions. Terrain that consists of waterlogged or muddy ground as well as slippery or sandy areas can be easily accessed using crane mats and these conditions can also be worked on safely using the same mats to support cranes and other machinery.

Birkett’s crane mats come in a variety of sizes and thicknesses to support even the heaviest loads, with the thicker mats being able to take weights of up to 250 tonnes. They offer the necessary rigidity to spread the weight of the cranes thereby reducing the overall pressure on the ground and providing a stable surface to work from. However uneven the underlying ground is, crane mats create a flat and safe base which both protects the ground itself and makes it safe for the machinery to do its job.

Crane mats are the ideal solution to provide crane support and access pads, being tough and durable enough to cope with the intense vertical pressure created during heavy lifting.

Get a quote today to purchase bog mats for your current or next project.

Call +44 (0)1789 549021 today!

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